Guide to Oiling Grenadilla Wood

1) Frequency:
- The frequency of oiling depends on various factors such as climate, humidity levels, and how often the instrument is played. As a general recommendation, oiling the instrument every 6 to 12 months is a good starting point. However, if you notice the wood becoming dry or dull, you may need to oil it more frequently.
2) Type of Oil:
- It's crucial to use a high-quality, food-safe, and non-toxic oil for treating your woodwind instruments. Some common options include almond oil, walnut oil, or mineral oil. Avoid using vegetable oils, oils with slow drying time and odor like linseed, or oils containing additives, as they can turn rancid or cause allergic reactions.
3) Application:
- Before oiling, ensure the instrument is clean and dry. Remove any dust or debris from the surface.
- Apply a small amount of oil onto a soft, lint-free cloth or applicator pad. You don't need to saturate the wood; a thin, even layer is sufficient.
- Rub the oil onto the surface (exterior) of the instrument, including the bore (the inner chamber). Be gentle and thorough, covering the entire surface evenly.
- Allow the oil to penetrate the wood for a few minutes, then wipe off any excess with a clean cloth.
- Let the instrument air dry in a well-ventilated area for several hours or overnight before playing.
4) Polishing the Bore:
- To keep the bore of the instrument polished for optimal airflow, use a soft, clean cloth or a cleaning rod wrapped with a small piece of cloth to gently swab the bore after each playing session, being careful not to apply excessive force that could damage the instrument.
- When the bore is dry, insert a piece of cloth inside and carefully manoeuvre it by moving the body-joint back and forth until the bore shines again.
- Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh cleaners, as they can harm the wood and affect the instrument's tone.
5) Storage:
- Store the instrument in a dry environment away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and fluctuations in humidity. A protective case or a bag can help to shield the instrument from environmental factors.
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